chat-export: Convert WhatsApp Chats to HTML

This tool converts a WhatsApp chat export into two HTML formats: one with inline media (such as images, videos, and audio files) and a compact version with media links.

Video Tutorial (still refers to the previously used tool name instead of chat-export):

Binary Release Downloads

Why is this useful?

The HTML export is:

Maybe you want to:

Furthermore, the tool is open-source and runs offline on your computer, so you can be sure that your data is not being sent to any server.
And by the way, it’s free! If you find it useful, you can donate.


  1. Export the Chat: Begin by exporting a chat from the WhatsApp app, preferably with media included. For detailed instructions, refer to WhatsApp FAQ. You can for example save it on Google Drive or Dropbox or send it to yourself with WhatsApp.

  2. Transfer the File: Move the exported ZIP file to your computer. If you have sent it to yourself with WhatsApp, you can download it with WhatsApp Web or with the WhatsApp App on your computer. Delete the WhatsApp message afterwards to save space.

  3. Download and Run the Tool:

  4. For Windows, download chat-export.exe.

You will have to copy the file away from your Downloads folder to another folder, e.g. Documents. Because the .exe is unsigned, you will see a warning, but after clicking on "More Information" you should have the option to run it anyway.

These are executables (no installation required, just download and double-click). They are built with pyinstaller.



Supported languages

WhatsApp chat exports vary depending on your phone’s system language. Currently, this tool has been tested with:

If your language is not supported, please let me know.

Supported Operating Systems


chat-export comes with no warranty. Use it responsibly and respect the privacy of other chat participants. The tool is not affiliated with WhatsApp or Meta.